Creating games with a little​ "je ne sais quoi"

illustration d'une manette de jeu vidéo et d'un écran. l'image a un but décorative

Founded in 2016 in the heart of Quebec, we are a medium-sized independent video game development studio with giant ambitions!

Specializing in creating video game experiences that will make you say “Voilà“, we combine cutting-edge technology and boundless creativity to create games that leave an impression.

Illustration du logo Trible Boris en arrière fond d'un écran d'ordinateur. L'image a un but décorative.

What makes us unique

Keyboard Heroes: Industry veterans with AAA development superpowers and avant-garde expertise.

Major Partners: We are part of the crème de la crème circle of developers with access to Dev Kits allowing development on Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony platforms.

Limitless Imagination: Always in search of the next idea that will make a grand splash in the industry.

Our services: it’s not all fun and games

From the initial idea to realization, and beyond, we are your compagnon de route. Complete development, one-off support, co-development, or tailor-made services, our flexibility is the pierre angulaire of your success.


Creation from A to Z: From initial concept to final version, we take care of the entire development cycle of your game. Take advantage of our comprehensive expertise to transform your ideas into captivating gaming experiences.

  • Conception & Design
  • Development & Programming
  • Art & Entertainment
  • Quality Test & Launch


Strategic partnerships: Whether you’re looking for an extension of your team or specific expertise, our studio is your ally. We offer tailor-made services to co-develop, port, or remaster your existing projects.

  • Co-development
  • Porting & Remasters
  • Technical Support


Beyond Gaming: Use the power of gaming to engage, educate, and entertain in diverse contexts. Our expertise in gamification transforms learning, communication, and customer engagement into memorable experiences.

  • Museums & Education
  • Marketing & Events
  • Training & Professional Development

Our proud collaborations

Our project approach: The art of creating with Agility

Thanks to our agile methods, our projects are like good wines, they age like fine wine (and our managers are certified Professional Scrum Master sommeliers).

illustration de trois personnes qui représente la méthodologie agile. L'image est décorative.
Illustration d'une équipe qui travaille sur le développement d'un jeux vidéo. Image de type décorative.

We are the Boris

Imagine a group of artists, gifted developers, and video game enthusiasts,
all united to conquer the world
(the virtual on, of course).

At Triple Boris, each talent on our team merges their unique skills to create video game experiences capable of subverting players’ expectations!

You have a project in mind?
Let’s rendez-vous !

At Triple Boris, we don’t just play games, we reinvent them.

Let’s work together to shape the future of gaming and delight gamers around the world!